Updates on My Researches
All of my papers had been the result of my researches which more or had had been my final output which I had submitted to comply with my subcjects. Most of the researches had been done through the internet and libraries and efforts of friends who had one way or another had help me in the draft and the completion of my papers final output.
The researches had also been the result of a guided research where my professors and mentors had been good enough to lead me to these researches.
I am now on my last two subjects, Local Government and Public Fiscal Administration. This I hope to take this first semester CY 2005 and finish it by October this year.
Mr Hernando H Siscar Jr
Mr Hermnando H Siscar Jr is the son of Dr. Hernando Locsin Siscar Sr and Consuelo Hubero Gumban Siscar who resides at Ramos Street Pavia, Iloilo. |
E-mail me for other sites that you may not have access. Thank you.
You could e-mail me at siscarjr@yahoo.com or text me at +639165931777. I wopuld be glad to of help and extend my network by recommending you to some faculties that may of help to you.
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Feel free to browse on my other links so you may access other research sites relative to the subject you might be interested. Hope I could be of help to you. Thank you. |
My Family
Thats Mom, Yanyan and Star
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